
Session K - Pre-Conference Session
Thursday, June 20, 9am-12pm, 1:15-4:15pm

Movement as Reflective Metaphor
Presented by Julie Francis


Description: Movement of the physical body can be used as a metaphor for reflection. In each act we have the choice of moving with or without apparent awareness of what we do. When we move without awareness, we often elicit reflexive habits that may or may not support us in performing the task at hand. By taking time to connect with our physical being through non-judgmental observation and breathing, actions have the potential to become harmonious and fluid. There follows a sense of ease and allowing that speaks to the possibility for positive change. In this workshop, you will examine and shift your action tendencies using movement as a metaphor. You will begin by witnessing what you do. Then, from the position of neutral observer, you will note yourself at rest, connect with the most primal of your movements - your breath, and from there take deliberate action. Along the way you may find you are able to let go of unnecessary effort and allow your movements to be light, easy and graceful.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in gaining a concrete understanding of how reflection can heighten potential. Anyone seeking to enhance their awareness of what they do in service of doing what they want. Anyone looking to create a sense of ease in their personal and professional lives.

Organizational Issues: Positive change becomes possible when we know what we are doing. That begins by taking a step back to objectively observe ourselves in action. Once we become aware of our habitual patterns, we can actively choose to do things differently. Reduced effort and greater efficiency result.

To create a non-judgmental opportunity to practice the art of reflection using the body as a concrete metaphor.

Materials Needed: Bring a mat to lie on and a small towel for under your head.

Pre-Work: If you are interested, check out the 5-Minute Feldenkrais lessons on my website www.optionsforease.com

Cost: None

Handouts: Available for download after the Forum

Julie Francis

Biography: Julie is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Teacher and Assistant Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method®. She came to the work in the early 1990s while searching for a way to help her disabled daughter unlock her potential. Julie maintains a private practice in the Chicago area. Her volunteer efforts include bringing Mindful Movement to adult participants at The Helping Hand Center in Countryside, IL. Julie received a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and an M.S. in Urban and Environmental Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Contact: Julie can be reached by e-mail at Julie@optionsforease.com for additional information about this session.

Websites: www.optionsforease.com

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=103085889&trk=tab_pro

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