For those who cannot join us in Los Angeles, we are offering a live webcast of the Weekend Conference presentations, beginning with the Friday night Opening Keynote with Bob Browne and extending to the Closing Keynote with Curt Wegner on Sunday morning, plus our musical guest on Saturday night, Kristofer Bergstrom. In all, we will record 4 keynote presentations and 6 parallel-track presentations. Using the links below, webcast viewers can submit questions to the presenters.
Our web cast price of $150 includes unlimited online access to the videos of the 10 Weekend Conference presentations and our Saturday evening musical performance, after the Forum, including the ability to download them after the Forum to other personal devices. The price of $150 is for the private use of these videos and does not include audience viewing. Contact us at webcast@in2in.org if you have questions about our webcasting offer, including options for audience viewing of our webcast.
Note: We are offering a $25 discount on our webcasting price for orders received on or before midnight (PT) on Wednesday, April 27th.
Link below to order;

Use the e-mail links below to submit questions to the presenters for each session in our webcast plan.
When submitting a question, please be sure to provide your name and location. Thanks!
Friday, June 10th
Opening Keynote: Bob Browne
Saturday, June 11th
Morning Keynote: Ariane David and Amy Parish
Morning Parallel-Track Presentations:
Shem Cohen
Bill Cummins
Janis & David McCann
Bill Bellows
Afternoon Keynote: Joel & Michelle Levey
Afternoon Parallel-Track Presentations:
Ariane David and Amy Parish
Julie Francis
Paul Hollingworth
Bill Bellows
Sunday, June 12th
Closing Keynote: Curt Wegner |