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Weekend Conference - Graphic Recorder
Greg Whicker


Beginning with our fifth Forum in 2006, we have periodically partnered with graphic recorders to engage their artistic skills in documenting Weekend Conference presentations. Conrad Tiu joined joined us in this role in 2006 and also served as our Forum Artist in 2007. Jennifer Shepherd continued in this role in 2011 and 2013 and also joined us as our Forum Artist in 2013.

Greg Whicker returns in 2016 after his debut in 2015.
Find Greg's mural artistry from our 2015 and 2016 Forums at the links below:
2015 - Opening Keynote - Kevin Murphy
2015 - Morning Keynote - Pauline Arneberg
2015 - Afternoon Keynote - Jon Bergstrom
2015 - Closing Keynote - Vince Barabba

2016 - Opening Keynote - Bob Browne
2016 - Morning Keynote - Ariane David and Amy Parish
2016 - Afternoon Keynote - Joel & Michelle Levey
2016 - Closing Keynote - Curt Wegner

Greg Whicker

Background: Greg's mission is to bring about better communication, increased productivity, and more robust institutions through the skilled use of visual language in meetings, presentations, and learning environments alike. Groups literally come to life as key topics and main ideas are synthesized into large, colorful illustrations (in real time), fostering collaboration, stimulating creativity, and even adding an element of fun. By engaging with the drawing's content as it unfolds, participants can begin to see the "big picture" with greater clarity, helping to bring everyone together on the same page, and empowering them to address more openly the opportunities and challenges before them.

Contact: Greg can be reached by e-mail at greg@facilitationgraphics.com for additional information about his graphic recordings.


Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/gregtwhicker

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