Description: The workshop will explain how reason and intuition should, but often do not, work in harmony. Putting both into contexts relevant to leadership and project management, for current and future products and services, the workshop will encourage exploration of core concepts relevant to the business practices of the participants. The day will be highly hands on, interactive and fun.
Target Audience: For anyone who leads and or manages work situations as individuals or in teams, especially of value to those who work in complex, unpredictable, rapidly changing and risky environments.
Organizational Issues: A. The core concepts will be simple, so not a lot of writing is needed, and notes will be provided, and a book is available for gentle reading follow up, though that has to be bought from Amazon/Kindle. B. The workshop will not work if people don't come prepared/willing to think about their thinking. As one participant once said, at the end of a session, 'my brain hurts, so I must have learned something'. It will be conducted in an easy going interactive manner, and be fun whenever possible, but it will be serious play. Thinking about your thinking is not easy, but making mistakes in thinking can be very costly. Susan Blackmore is not a bad starting book, Ten Zen Questions, and knowing something about TRIZ and Synectics or CPS can be useful but will not be necessary. Jonah Lehrer's book, How we decide might be useful, and so might Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet. C. The intended outcome is that you will be learning by thinking about your thinking, hard work, serious benefit, for those who want to go beyond left and right brained warfare.
Objectives: People will be presented with core facts about what works and what does not work for reason and intuition, commonr errors and how each can be used for judgement, assessing the balance of outcomes, risks and opportunities. People will leave with a new understanding of judgement as a process and a set of checklists, things to watch out for.
Dates: Monday, April 23rd
Length: 7 hours (8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00-4:30pm)
Location: Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne - 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park
Cost: None
Handouts: Available for download after the Forum
Biography: The Father of two grown up sons with professional careers, Graham thinks the thread through all his various work situations has been that of a Bayesian Scientist, the weave of evidence and theory, the 'phase space' as Stewart and Cohen put it in Figments of Reality. He is driven by the belief that the best learning is that which we manage ourselves, that learning and creativity are twins. A lover of diversity, he's worked in many countries, from Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory of Australia to the tranquil plains of Denmark. He has been a barman, parkkeeper, boatman, trainee accountant, trainee actuary, delivery driver, postman, gardener and Academic Director. Professional - Chartered Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, Fellow of the RSA, a lifetime career of problem solving, as an educational psychologist, as Director of Enterprise at the University of Surrey, as a Consultant with Synectics Europe, as a Consultant and Trainer with Invention Machine Corporation, as author of 4 books, How to Invent (Almost) Anything (co-authored with David Straker), The No Recipe Cookbook, Sam the Problem Solver, Judgement Day, and How to Advise the President; 21st Century Decision Making. Numerous roles in inventing and innovation, including setting up and running a Local Food on line business in the UK, which ran for 5 years, judge for the British Invention Show several times and for the Global Women's Inventors and Innovators Network several times. Founder of The Rural Inventors Club, on Advisory Panel for UNESCO Technology Transfer Network for Africa, on Advisory Panel for Expert Marketeer, Founding Director of MindTrust International, with experience in teaching and training in many areas and countries over many years.
Contact: Graham
can be reached by e-mail at graham.rawlinson@nextstepassociates.co.uk for additional information about this Post-Conference session.
Website: www.nextstepassociates.co.uk
Blog site: howtoadvisethepresident.wordpress.com
Linkedin: uk.linkedin.com/pub/graham-rawlinson/0/161/20b |