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Session L - Pre-Conference Session
Business Lessons From Social Insects
Presented by Mark Fitzsimmons


Description: In recent years, chaos theory has shown us how systems evolve "emergent properties" based on a few simple rules or behavioral constraints. Ant and bee colonies are systems which have emergent properties similar to those we find desirable in a business system. What are the simple rules that govern the systemic responses, and how can we learn from them to improve our own organizations? This presentation will illustrate some of the basic underlying principles of successful collaborative efforts and how we can improve complex organizations from the bottom up.

Target Audience: All people who have a desire to improve their ability to succeed in cooperative ventures.

Organizational Issues: System reliability, people management, work organization, communication, flexibility in changing circumstances.

Objectives: Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between cooperation, competition, skill levels, and system success. Cultural and organizational barriers to successful collaboration will be discussed, and people will be encouraged to explore more open communication and greater flexibility in their day to day jobs.

Date: Thursday, April 19th

Length: 2 hours (5:15-7:15pm)

Location: Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne - 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park

Cost: None

Handouts: Available for download after the Forum


Biography: Mark has been leading teams to develop new products for rocket propulsion, energy generation and other long life, severe service systems. He has been a beekeeper off and on since 1977. He is also a sculptor, working primarily in wood, and many of his pieces explore complementary processes of growth and decay.

Contact: Mark can be reached by e-mail at mark.fitzsimmons@pwr.utc.com for additional information about this Pre-Conference session.

Website: www.treecycler.org

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/treecycler

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