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Conference Session
PRAXIS: What to Take Away?
Presented by Pauline Arneberg


Abstract: This session grows out of my first experience of an In2:InThinking Network Forum last year. I experienced it as a feast for the mind; and, at many moments found myself in “overwhelm”.  My considerations of this experience have led me to several themes:

The art of reflection,
Applying recent research on the brain,
Eastern and Western approaches to “attention”; and
The nature of learning. 

This session is designed primarily for those new to the In2:InThinking Network Forum experience; however, veterans will find some ways to enhance the conference experience, too.

The FIRST INSTALLMENT ON THE ART OF REFLECTION will be in March 2012, via Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's Ongoing Discussion conference call, when "How to make the most out of this Forum" will be the topic of conversation.

Pauline Arneberg

Biography: Pauline Arneberg has practiced organization development for the past 30 years; she currently teaches at the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development as well as the CSUN MPA.  She has a broad international background; she has worked in Bahrain, Jordan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Kenya, and Thailand.  She brings a broad cultural perspective to the dilemmas faced when we are in a learning mode, which, ideally, would be most of the time.

Contact: Pauline can be reached by e-mail at pauline.arneberg@gmail.com for additional information about this Conference session.


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